About Us

Welcome to Tea Towel Print – Your Destination for Custom Tea Towels in Bulk

In a modern culture that puts function and utility over beauty and refinement, there are still oases of elegance and style that appeal to artists, homemakers and appraisers alike. Tea towels represent one such wellspring. These collectibles serve as creative outlets, emotional comforts and even promotional media. Tea Towel Print is dedicated to sharing the joy and usefulness of high-quality textiles.

Our Offerings

Tea towels are not the garden variety dish towel. Made from linen, cotton or a composite of each, tea towels are thin and permeable, and characterized by unique, decorative woven or embroidered designs. The good news is that Tea Towel Print can deliver these works of craftsmanship in bulk to adorn homes or offices; they can also advance the marketing campaigns of small businesses. The message conveyed by the towel is entirely the work of our clients. If the order is for a single tea towel or for a larger volume, we can provide a distinct creation that serves the purpose of the customer.

1. Made-to-order designs that our own creative tools execute to perfection. These towels work as gifts, marketing vehicles or traditional keepsakes.

2. Large quantity orders are no problem for Tea Towel Print. Bulk requests receive the same attention to detail as single orders.

3. Wholesale relationships are central to our business. So, we work closely with retailers to stock our high-end products at a reasonable price.

What Makes Us Special?

We are in the tea towel business, yes, but there is more to Tea Towel Print than fabrics and embroidery.
    • We stand by our product: not only do we employ the highest grade of textile materials, we also utilize cutting edge technology to create the message of each tea towel.
    • Our customers are the sun around which we revolve. Outstanding customer service marks the process from the initial order to the final delivery.
    • Speed and dependability -- we never leave our clients hanging. We process requests swiftly while never forsaking high quality and best practices.

We Do Not Just Transact Business; We Share the Joy

The staff of Tea Towel Print are in business for more than just commercial reasons. We are passionate about expressing artistry and imagination on scales both small and large. At the same time, our clients with whom we transact business are likewise excited to have input into this distinctive kind of ornamentation and message promotion. Sharing this enthusiasm, both company and customers form a family devoted to imaginative textile printing. Our customers amaze us with their ideas. In turn, Tea Towel Print satisfies the clientele with towels of the highest value in terms of exceptional materials and technological edge.

You are a welcome part of that family. Take a look at our current product line and give some thought to expressing powerful ideas on tea towels.